
Accommodation is provided at the venue of the conference from Thursday to Friday. The capacity of the accommodation is limited - only 18 beds. Please take a mat and a sleeping bag with you. 
Accommodation will be paid as a part of the conference fee together with winetasting. If you decide that you do not want to join the wine tasting, the fee will be lowered upon arrival. The conference fee is 300 CZK. Accommodation is provided at the venue of the conference from Thursday to Friday. The capacity of the accommodation is limited - only 18 beds. Please take a mat and a sleeping bag with you. 
Accommodation will be paid as a part of the conference fee together with winetasting. If you decide that you do not want to join the wine tasting, the fee will be lowered upon arrival. The conference fee is 300 CZK. 

Accommodation is provided at the venue of the conference from Thursday to Friday. The capacity of the accommodation is limited - only 18 beds. Please take a mat and a sleeping bag with you. 

Accommodation will be paid as a part of the conference fee together with winetasting. If you decide that you do not want to join the wine tasting, the fee will be lowered upon arrival. The conference fee is 300 CZK.